Inheritance in Java
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Inheritance in Java


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 Inheritance in Java :-

         This tutorial is explain about What is a Inheritance in Java and also explain about types of inheritance and explanation and given example of Java Programming. 

Inheritance:- when create a child class that extended by the super class and the child class access all the features and properties of the super class is called a Inheritance. In Inheritance, we cannot access private members of super class.

Syntax :-  There is defind class A that is super class and its statment inside this class body. There is anothere class declare class B its called a child class and Its statement inside this class. Accessing of super class A  functions, variables and statments by the class B using extends keyword.

class A{



class B extends class A{



Type of Inheritance:-

1. Single level Inheritance

2.  Multi level Inheritance

3. Multiple level Inheritance

4. Hierarchical Inheritance

 1. Single level Inheritance:- In a single level Inheritance you define a super class  A  and child class B  access all the properties and features of super class A. There is only one super class and a single child class use so this is called single level Inheritance.

class A{



class B extends class A{



2. Multi Level Inheritance:- In this inheritance you use  super class A and this super class extends by child class B and access properties and features. After that child class C is extends by the super class B so class B is super class of class C and child class C access features and properties of class B. So this type of Inheritance is called multi Level Inheritance.

class A{



class B extends class A{



class C extends class B{



3. Hierarchical Inheritance:- There is you define a super class and its features and properties use by more then one child class is called Hierarchical Inheritance.


class A{



class B extends class A{



class C extends class A{



4. Multiple Inheritance:-  there is you define two super class and extends by single child class is called multiple Inheritance. For Example:- 

class A{



class B {



class C extends class A, class B{



Note:- Java is not supported the multiple Inheritance because of  there is not clear so first remove ambiguity and  provide a clear design its require a more maintaince.

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