Recursive method with example
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Recursive method with example

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Recursive method with example:-

Write a Program to print first five characters using recursive method in Java ?

 :- Java is support the mechanism of recursion.  Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself. As it relates to Java programming, recursion is the attribute that allows a method to call itself. The method is call it self process is called recursion.

Example: In this example we create a RecursionExam and inside this class we create a method PrintFiveChar(). In this method with return type of string. We doing in this a methodology to print a first five charcter of the string and return a String type value. After that we create also a Main class there we take a in put from the user by using of a Scanner class and there we create a object of the RecursionExam class print the first five characters of the String that user insert using System.out.println().

class RecursionExam{
       String PrintFiveChar(String Svalue){
            int n=4;
           String mFirstFiveChar;
            mFirstFiveChar = Svalue.substring(0,n);
          return mFirstFiveChar;
class Main{
      public static void main(String [] args){
          Scanner s = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("Enter String : ");
          String getString = s.nextLine();
          RecursionExam mRecur = new RecursionExam();
         String mFiveChar = MRecur.PrintFiveChar(getString);
      System.out.println("First five characters of string is : " +mFiveChar);

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