Switch case in java
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Switch case in java

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Switch case in java

        Switch case in java:- In this tutorial is explain about How to use of switch case in Java with explanation and given example of Java Programming.

Switch Case:- 

           In Java programming switch case is based on selection controling mechanism. Switch case in java multi way branch statement. In switch case you define multiple cases and break is used stop and out from the switch case other statement not execute.

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Switch case syntax:-


case 1:

// If expression is match to value1 then execute this section


case 2:

// If expression is match to value2 then execute this section


case n;

// you create a multiple case 





Switch case example:-

    In this example we use a switch case. There is defined a integer type value mValue=2 that defind integer type value passed into the switch case. When switch case is call then that the case first but its not match then move to the second case there its match and print the output. program out from the switch case because use break keyword and next case is not execute. If no case execute the execute the default case.

class SwitchcaseExample{

      public static void main(String[] args){

      int mValue=2;


          case 1: System.out.println("One");


          case 2: System.out.println("Two");


          case 3: System.out.println("Three");



            System.out.println("No case execute");





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