Operators in Java
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Operators in Java


operators in java, operators in java with example, arithmetic operators in java, operators in javascript, operators in javascript with example

Operators in Java:-

         This tutorial is explain about How many types of Java Operators  explanation of arithmetic, logical, assigned and comparison operators with example of Java Programming.

Java Operators using a different types in Java:-

Arithmetic Operators:-


Exampleint mValueA=10;

                  int mValueB=5;

int mSum= mValueA+ mValueB;

System.out.println("TotalValue=" +mSum);

Answer :- TotalValue=15


Exampleint mValueA=10;

                  int mValueB=5;

int mSub= mValueA-mValueB;

System.out.println("TotalValue=" +mSub);

Answer :- TotalValue=5

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Exampleint mValueA=10;

                  int mValueB=5;

int mMulti= mValueA*mValueB;

System.out.println("TotalValue=" +mMulti);

Answer :- TotalValue=50


Example- int mValueA=10;

                  int mValueB=5;

int mDiv= mValueA/ mValueB;

System.out.println("TotalValue=" +mDiv);

Answer :-  TotalValue=2

Modulus (%):- 

Exampleint mValueA=10;

                  int mValueB=5;

int mMod= mValueA %mValueB;

System.out.println("TotalValue=" +mMod);

Answer :- TotalValue=0

Increment (++)& Decrement (--):-

Example:- int mValueA=6;

int mValueB=mValueA++;

int mValueC=mValueB--;

System.out.println("Incremental Value="+mValueB);

System.out.println("Decremental Value="+mValueC);

Answer:- Incremental Value=7

Decremental Value=6

Assigned Oprators:- Assignment Operator is used to assign a value of variables for Examples:- 

int x=5;

int x +=5;

Assigned Oprators is:- =,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=etc.

Comparison Oprators:- Comparison oprator is used to campare two values for example:-


//If value is true then execute this code.


Comparison Oprators is:- ==,!=,<,>,<=,>= etc.

Logical Oprators:- this used to determine logic between variables or values

Logical Oprators is :- 

1. &&- this used to both value is true then the program execute. For example:-

if(a==b && b==c){

// Both conditions is true the execute this block.



2. ||- this used to any one of conditions is true then the program execute. For example:-

if(a==b || b==c){

// Any one of  conditions is true the execute this block.



3. ! - this is use to return a reverse value if conditions is true then return false value For example:-

int a=4;

int b=8;


//return true value


// return false value

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